Invitation for participation in The Society for the Study of Japonisme International Symposium 2024

We are pleased to announce that the Society for the Study of Japonisme International Symposium 2024 will be held in person, with the option of participating online via Zoom. As announced previously, the symposium will take up “Japonisme and Colour” as its theme, with 10 presenters giving their papers. Presentations and discussions will take place both in person andonline with simultaneous translation into English or Japanese. See below for details on registration. We look forward to welcoming you.

The Society for the Study of Japonisme International Symposium 2024: Japonisme and Colour

Date: 10:00-17:30, Sunday, December 1, 2024, Japan time, Hybrid Symposium by Zoom
Place: Musashino Art University, Ichigaya Campus
Organizers: The Society for the Study of Japonisme / Ebara Hatakeyama Memorial Foundation
Language: Japanese or English (with simultaneous interpretation)
Number of participants: limited to 70 in person, 150 online
Free of charge


In the early twentieth century, Lafcadio Hearn / Koizumi Yakumo called Japan ‘the land of perfect good taste in chromatics’. Hearn was by no means unique in expressing such a marked fascination with the use of colours in Japanese art, culture and society. Indeed, colour has acted as a hinge in the exchanges between Japanese and Western cultures, a means of revealing both cultural differences and similarities. As colour technologies transform across time, Japanese colours embody the tension between tradition and modernity. Straddling all media (painting, photography, architecture, literature, etc.) and disciplines (art history, anthropology, sociology, science, etc.) we will explore the multi-faceted nature of Japonisme through colours.


10:00        Greetings and Introduction (moderator: KISHI Yu)
10:00-10:10   Welcome greetings
MIYAZAKI Katsumi, President, Society for the Study of Japonisme
MATSUI Akinori, Executive Director, The Ebara Hatakeyama Memorial Foundation
10:15-10:25   Introduction: Stefano EVANGELISTA, Charlotte RIBEYROL          

Session I. Crafts and Techniques of Colour in the Decorative Arts (moderator: INOUE Hitomi)

10:30-10:50 NAGANO Chihiro  “Luster is also a Part of Color, Cloisonné and Japonisme”

10:55-11:15 Matthew WINTERBOTTOM “The Japonisme Jewellery of Alexis Falize (1811–1898)”

11:20-11:40 TAKEUCHI Yuko “Japonisme of Color in Ceramics: Christopher Dresser and the Linthorpe Pottery“

11:45-12:00 [Q&A]

12:00-13:00 Lunch Break

Session II. Chromatic Spaces: Circulating, Displaying and Translating Colour (moderator: Stefano EVANGELISTA)

13:00-13:20 Saskia THOELEN “Cultural Exchange through Colour: Exploring Colour Schemes in Art Nouveau Kimono Fashion Design”

13:25-13:45 Joseph BRISTOW “‘Kinder to Our London Slush than Stern Truth Seems to Demand,’ Yoshio Markino, Japonisme, and The Colour of London (1907)”

13:50-14:10 Joy CADOR “From the colours of the past to the colours of the East: Alma-Tadema facing the Japanese chromatic world”

14:15-14:35 Hyoungee KONG “Interior Decoration and Sensorial Sociality à la japonaise in Nineteenth-Century France”

14:40-15:00 [Q&A]

15:00-15:15 Break

Session III. Chromatic Materiality and Abstraction: Discussing and Spiritualising Colour (moderator: Charlotte RIBEYROL)

15:15-15:35 IDO Keiko “The Meaning of the Color Gold for Paul Claudel in Japan”

15:40-16:00 Clément DESSY “The Spirit of Nabi Colours: A Cross-Fertilised Concept of Japonism in Fin-de-Siècle France””

16:05-16:25 Margaret GRAY “Buddhism, Japonisme, and the ‘Colour Harmonies’ of Shine and Shadow in the Victorian ‘House Beautiful’”

16:30-16:45  [Q&A]


16:50-17:20 TAKAGI Yoko
17:25 Closing speech: ISHII Motoaki, Managing Director
17:30 Closing

Registration (up to 70 in person, 150 online)

Register at the URL below with providing details 1 to 6, by Wednesday, November 20. URL (Google Forms):

  1. E-mail Address
  2. Name
  3. Institutional affiliation
  4. Are you a member of our Society? (Yes/No)
  5. Participation Method (in person/online)
  6. Participation in the reception

– After you submit the form, a confirmation message will be automatically sent to the e-mail address you provide. If you do not receive it, your e-mail address may have been incorrect.  Fill out the form again or send an e-mail to the Society for the Study of Japonisme:
Deadline for registration is 11:59 pm, Wednesday, November 20, 2024 (Japan Standard Time).
– You will receive the Zoom meeting URL, ID, and Password via e-mail around Wednesday, November 27.

Notices for participating in the symposium on Zoom

– For general instructions concerning Zoom, see
– The Society of the Study of Japonisme will offer no technical support. It is your responsibility to secure the stability of internet connection, live streaming, and any other related computer operations.
– Please note that the order of the presentations is subject to change, or that some of them may be canceled.
– Expenses incurred by the symposium with respect to equipment and internet connection are your responsibility.
– If the limit, i.e., 150 persons is reached, the Society may close the registration.
– Check our website for updates on the number of registrations.
– Your personal information will be used only in the correspondence regarding this symposium and in no other circumstances.
– Once accepted, you will receive the Zoom meeting URL, ID, and Password by e-mail around Wednesday, November 27. These details are strictly confidential and never to be transferred to a third party. If you do not hear from us past that date, please contact our office:

For inquiry, e-mail to

Society for the Study of Japonisme website: