Studies in Japonisme: the annual publication of the Society for the Study of Japonisme
Studies in Japonisme is a peer-reviewed journal that focuses on the study of Japonisme. It is published annually and includes scholarly articles, book reviews, and exhibition reviews by scholars in and outside Japan.
Submission of articles and other texts for Studies in Japonisme is limited to members of the Society only. Please refer to the Contribution Rules for further information.
In 2013 (Vol. 33) the journal was significantly redesigned. It is now bilingual (English-Japanese), and the size is larger with a renewed layout. For further details on the contents, please refer to the Index of Journals (bilingual) (volumes prior to Vol. 33 are available in Japanese only).
Past issues of Studies in Japonisme (up to Vol. 38 (2018), except for Vols. 2, 10, 11, 16 & 22) are available for purchase upon demand from the following vendors. The regular issue is 3,000-yen per copy, and the supplementary issue is 2,000-yen per copy (tax not included).
ジャポニスム研究の商品一覧 – 三省堂書店 PayPayモール店 – 通販 – PayPayモール (
楽天ブックス: ジャポニスム研究 の検索結果1/2 ページ (