Membership is open to all who are interested in Japonisme: professional and independent scholars, researchers, and students as well as those involved in galleries and museums or freelance work. General meeting (annual) and regular meetings are open to all members. There are also scheduled visits to art exhibitions and others (several times a year) for members. In addition, members receive the annual bulletin Studies in Japonisme and are welcome to participate in symposiums or other special events.
The fiscal year of the society is from April to March. New applications will be considered during the society’s board meetings. When an application is approved at a board meeting, the society will send instructions to the applicant to pay the joining fee (5000 JPY) and annual fee for that fiscal year. Applicants will only officially become members of the society after payment of both fees. Due to the scheduling of board meetings, which are held approximately two-monthly, acceptance or rejection of applications may take a while to process. Please keep this in mind.
Membership Levels and Fees
・Regular members: Individuals who are engaged in the research on Japonisme studies. Recommendations from two regular members and approval of the Board of Directors are required. However, if you do not have contact with regular members of the Society, your academic achievements such as publications will be considered. In such cases, please submit copies of your publications along with your application form. Regular members are eligible to vote, serve on committees, and file resolutions at general meetings.
Regular Membership Annual Fee: 7,000 JPY *
・Associate members: Individuals who are interested in Japonisme studies. Recommendations from regular members are not required but your application needs to be approved by the Board of Directors. Associate members are not eligible to vote, serve on committees, or file resolutions at general meetings. Futhermore, from 2020 onward, associate members will not be able to publish in the Society’s journal, nor will they be able to present at the Society’s study meetings/symposia.
Associate Membership Annual Fee: 5,000 JPY *
・Student members: Individuals who hold a full-time student status. Recommendations from two regular members and approval of the Board of Directors are required. However, if you do not have contact with regular members of the Society, your academic achievements such as publications will be considered. In such cases, please submit copies of your publications along with your application form. Student members are not eligible to vote, serve on committees, file resolutions at general meetings.
Student Membership Annual Fee: 3,500 JPY
・Supporting members: Individuals or organizations who support the Society financially.
Supporting Membership Annual Fee: 30,000 JPY *
The fiscal year of the society is from April to March. In case one wants to change one’s status from supporting member to a regular member, please make sure to notify the board before the end of February.
* For all levels of membership, there is an joining fee of 5,000 JPY.
Application Procedure
Fill in the required information on the application form (click here) and return it online.
Please use the PayPal link or mail transfer below and pay the joining fee (5000 JPY) and the annual membership fee for the appropriate fiscal year. Upon payment of both fees, new applications will be reviewed and voted on at one of the board meetings of the Society, which take place approximately 6~7 times a year. It may take several weeks for your application to be processed. After the process has been completed, a formal notification of your acceptance into the Society will be sent to you. In the case where your application is not approved, you will receive a full refund of monies paid.
How to Pay:
Please pay using one of the options below:
1) Electronic payment option:
Use PayPal link below. PayPal payments require the following transaction fees. Please add the appropriate fees upon payment.
Regular Membership Annual Fee(7,000 JPY )………400 JPY
Associate Membership Annual Fee (5,000JPY)……..300 JPY
Student Membership Annual Fee (3,500)…….300 JPY
Joining Fee and the Regular Membership Annual Fee (12,000 JPY)……..600 JPY
Joining Fee and the Associate Membership Annual Fee (10,000JPY)…….500 JPY
Joining Fee and the Student Membership Annual Fee (8,500 JPY)……400JPY
※Please enquire directly about the transaction fee if the payment detail and amount of your payment are not listed here.
2) Mail transfer option:
Account: Japanese postal account no. 00100-7-558061
Payee name: The Society for the Study of Japonisme
Membership Level Change Procedures
The fiscal year for the society runs from April to March. In the case where one wants to change one’s membership type, please make sure to notify the board by the end of February, using the Membership Level Change Form.
Withdrawal Procedures
For those who would like to withdraw from the society, we ask that they send a letter of notification to the society secretariat by the end of February (being the annual membership renewal deadline). Please download the form (click here). Or you can simply notify the secretariat by e-mail or letter. We will ask all members who have not paid their membership fee for the fiscal year in which they withdraw to first make their membership payment prior to withdrawal. For those who have not paid for multiple years, they will be required to first pay the full amount prior to withdrawal. For those who fail to pay, they will be dismissed from the society after confirmation at a board meeting.
Enquiry Fax: 81-(0)3-3341-1830 E-mail: