For more information regarding related events, please refer to the Japanese page.

Symposium: “100 years after the decease of Watanabe Seitei and his period – The daybreak of Japanese-French Modern Art.”

Date:2017/3/10 (Friday) 5PM-8:30PM
Venue:La maison franco-japonaise (Ebisu)
Exhibition: La maison franco-japonaise Gallery (from March 9, to March 11)
Sponsor:The Executive Committee of the exhibition on Watanabe Seitei, The Japan-France Meeting Hall
Backing support:The Society for the Study on Japonisme, The Society on Art from Japan and France, The Fenollosa Society


17:00-17:05 Greetings from the Chair of the French office

【First Session: The Foundational Research on Watanabe Seitei】
Chair:  Ueda Sayoko (植田彩芳子, Curator of the Museum of Kyoto Prefecture)
17:05-17:20 「Watanabe Teisei’s Life and Works」
17:20-17:55 「Watanabe Teisei and the Daybreak of Japanese-French Art」 Okabe Masayuki (岡部昌幸, Teikyo University Professor)

17:55-18:05  Break

18:05-18:40 「Watanabe Teisei and Meiji Art(Tentative)」 Sioya Jun (塩谷純) (Chair of the Tokyo Culture Research Institute on Modern and Contemporary Visual Art)

18:40-19:00  Coffee Break

【Second Session: Panel Discussion ”Towards the Re-evaluation of Watanabe Teisei”】
19:00-20:30 Moderator:  Okabe Masayuki (岡部昌幸)
Panellists: Sato Doshin (佐藤道信, Professor at the Tokyo University of Art)、Yamashita Yuji (山下裕二, Consultant of the Yamatane Museum, and professor at Meiji University)、Noji Koichiro (野地耕一郎, Chief of the Sen-oku Museum)、Sioya Jun (塩谷純)
Commentators: Arashiki Toru (荒屋鋪透, Previous Head of the Pola Museum of Art)、Miura Atsushi(三浦篤, Professor at Tokyo University and Chair of the Japan-France Meeting Hall)、Iwakiri Shinichiro (岩切信一郎, Art Historian)、Furuta Ryo (古田亮(Associate Professor at the Museum of Tokyo University of Arts)

☆ For those wishing to participate, please apply through La maison franco-japonais or the Japonisme Society. Details on the exhibition on Watanabe Teisei are as followed:

「SEITEI 〜 Watanabe Seitei: To be resurrected! The Painter God of Loneliness 」

Period: 2017/3/18 (Saturday) ~ 2017/4/9 (Sunday)
Opening Hours:   10:00AM~6:00PM
Venue:    Kashima Museum 1st and 2nd floor(Tokyo, Chuo, Kyobashi, 3-3-2)
For more details, consult: