How to Submit a Manuscript for Consideration

The Society for the Study of Japonisme is accepting submissions of articles and other texts to be published in our upcoming annual publication (no. 45, 2025). Please follow the submission guidelines below.

Language(s) of submission and publication: Studies in Japonisme is a bilingual publication in English and Japanese. You may submit your manuscript in one of these languages, but are required to prepare final manuscripts in both English and Japanese if your manuscript is accepted for publication. When you submit your manuscript, please let us know if you need to have a translator or proofreader arranged by the Society.
Eligibility: Submission is limited to regular members and student members of the Society for the Study of Japonisme.
Types of manuscripts considered: We accept unpublished materials on the study of Japonisme in the form of an article, a book review, an exhibition/catalogue review, or in other scholarly formats.
Peer-review process: Submissions will be peer reviewed. The selection will be determined by the Society’s executive board of directors.
Deadlines: Please submit your manuscript electronically (e.g., e-mail attachment, Dropbox, etc.) by May 31, 2025. Please also let us know by this date if you need to have a translator or proofreader arranged by the Society if your manuscript is accepted. If you are planning to submit a manuscript, please send the proposed title of your submission by email by May 7, 2025. Please prepare your manuscript adhering to the “Guidelines for Submission” posted below.
Maximum length: 20,000 characters (for Japanese texts) or 9,000 words (for English texts), including notes.
Illustrations: No more than 20 images. The image data should be in high resolution and be of printable quality (e.g., JPEG file, resolution more than 360dpi). Please number the illustrations and provide caption information including the name of the artist, the title of the work, and the year of production in English (and also in Japanese, if possible). Please note that the author is responsible for obtaining copyright permission for the images and paying the fees.

Accepted manuscripts will be made available on online academic databases two years after they are published in the hard copy version of Studies in Japonisme.

Please send all materials to:
The Society for the Study of Japonisme c/o World Meeting, Inc.
Email Address:
Fax no.: 81-(0)3-3341-1830

Guidelines for Submission to the Studies in Japonisme
Text Preparation:
1) Texts should not exceed 9,000 words including notes.
2) Indicate the word count.
3) Texts should be submitted in MS Word.
4) The standard spelling is in US English.
5) Double space text and notes Times New Roman, 12 point font.
6) The title and the author’s name should appear on top of the first page, but do not put author’s name on any subsequent pages.
7) Notes should be numbered consecutively and should appear at the end of the text.
8)  For references, follow the style guidelines set forth by the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th ed.
9) Do not use the endnote function or other formatting functions in MS Word, such as headers and footers.
10) Code macrons as ō, etc. (e.g., the Nijō Castle).
11) Code dashes with 2 hyphens (e.g. –).
12) Underline all words that are to be italicized (e.g., japonaiserie).
13) Non English words and phrases outside the common English usage should appear in italics (follow the guideline above and underline them).
14) The Studies in Japonisme does not incorporate the use of Japanese characters as a general rule; make sure that all Japanese is given in Romanized form.
15) Authors are responsible for obtaining rights and the cost of obtaining rights for any images to be included.

1) No more than 20 illustrations.
2) Illustrations should be numbered consecutively and indicated as figures in the text (e.g., (fig. 1)).
3) Do not integrate image data in to the text.
4) Provide the complete list of illustrations with captions as a separate MS word document from the text.
5) For initial submissions, provide an MS Word or PDF document that contains all illustrations in a single file.
6) Captions must contain all information required for reproduction permission to be granted.
7) For publication, the author must supply image data that are in high resolution and of printable quality.
The resolution should typically be higher than 360dpi.