Workshop: “The discourse concerning 19th and 20th century art”

  Date: 2016/12/18 (Sunday) 2PM~5:30PM
 Venue: Nagoya Univeristy Conference Hall, Integrated Reserch Building for Humanities and Social Sciences, 7F

■ Speakers:
 ● Claire Barbillon(Professor of the Université de Poitiers)
「Art criticism・Art History・Art Theory:On the process of differenciation in France, 1848〜1914」
 ● Inaga Shigemi (稲賀繁美)(International and Japanese Culture research center secondary in-chief, General   research Graduate school professor)
「On the reception of Rimpa in Europe, 1876〜1918:Theodore Duret, Louis Gonse, S.Bing, Ninagawa Noritane, Roger Marx」

【Sponsor】Nagoya Univeristy Department of Literature, Anthropological Culture and Heritage text research   center(CHT)
【support】The society for French and Japanese Art
【assistance】funding from the society for the promotion of Japanese studies(young researchers B: 16K16727)
【language】Japanese and French (with consecutive interpretation)