Wakate Lab : Informal gathering online (bring your own drink!)

Last year, on Fabruary 29th, Wakate Lab gathered for a workshop in which we aimed to position ourselves and our research within the field, and discussed possible new methods and approaches for the Japonisme society to take in the future. During this session, we will discuss our research positioning further, and based on this we would like to organise an informal talk with all participants.

・Date: May 3rd, 2021 (Mon.)          20:00~21:00 JST

・Place: Zoom

・Eligible participants: Students, PhD’s, Postdocs, self-proclaimed “beginner researchers”

・Participation fee: free

・Method of application: Please send an email with your full name and email address to the contact address of our Wakate lab (wakatejaponisme@gmail.com). Upon confirmation, we will send the Zoom link of the gathering.

・For questions, please also refer to Wakate Lab’s contact address:
